Uniform Information

Uniforms are very expensive (approx. $1200 per complete uniform), and it is imperative that they be properly maintained while in your possession. Excessive wear and tear or loss of any item, including hanger or garment bag and failure to return uniform at specified time will result in a fine. * Professionally dry-clean before major competitions or when needed. Uniforms will be cleaned by the boosters upon return.

If you have any questions about uniforms or uniform care, please contact the Uniform Chairperson at uniforms@sandiabandboosters.org.

Uniform Care

Do not leave a uniform in the garment bag after a performance. Hang it loosely so it can “breathe” and dry before storage. Do not leave the uniform lying on the floor or ground prior to, during, or after a performance. Hang it correctly on its hanger – pants secured by the “lock-bar”. Students should always wear a band t-shirt and athletic (i.e.: soccer) shorts under the band uniform to help absorb perspiration and minimize damage to the uniform.  

Uniform Cleaning

ABQ Cleaners at 3002 Monte Vista NE is doing the band’s dry cleaning this season and provides a discount for band members.  However, any dry cleaner will work as long as they read and adhere to the care instructions. 

Garment Bag

The garment bag is to be used to store and transport the uniform when necessary.    


Adjustments can be made in pant length using ONLY the snaps. NEVER cut any material off when shortening. Never use pins, tape, or iron-on adhesive to adjust length. Pant legs should touch the top of the shoe and should not “break” or wrinkle at the top of the shoe. They must not drag on the ground.  Once adjusted press a light crease (medium temperature iron, turn inside out) into each pant leg.  

Marching Uniform Items Issued to Students

  1. Garment Bag
  2. Uniform Hanger
  3. Bibbers
  4. Jacket
  5. Gauntlets
  6. Gloves  
  7. Hat
  8. Shoes (student keeps)
  9. Show shirt (student keeps)

All items are numbered or labeled and students are responsible for returning them in good condition when marching season is over. All items must be handed personally to a uniform parent and checked off to be considered returned. Uniforms left in the band room will be considered MIA, resulting in a fine, until return is confirmed with a uniform parent.  

Marching Band Students Must Obtain

  1. LONG WHITE athletic socks (3 pair at least.) NO legs showing!!  
  2. Hair ties/bobby pins/hairspray. 

Students should also have a cinch sack or backpack to carry miscellaneous items, including their own water bottle.              

Concert Band Items Issued to Students

    1. Black bibbers
    2. Black jacket
    3. Garment bag
    4. Uniform hanger

    All items are numbered and students are responsible for returning the items issued to them when the concert season is over. Uniforms just left in the band room are considered unreturned, resulting in a fine, until the student confirms the return with a uniform band parent. This includes inspection. Returned uniforms must be in good condition. The band boosters will take care of the final dry cleaning. 

Concert Band Students Must Obtain

    1. Black dress shoes: NO athletic, soft-soled shoes. 
    2. Long black socks (see below)
    3. T-shirt with sleeves (no tank tops or sleeveless shirts)

(Students MUST wear LONG black dress socks with concert uniform. NO flesh should show at ankles) 


Caring for Your Bibbers and Achieving the Correct Length

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